У меня после обновления Жумлы до версии 3.2 фид блога категории потерял вменяемый вид: ссылка на материал стала черт знает какая, категория показывалась только текущая, игнорировав потомки и пропали даты материалов. Заглянул в libraries/legacy/view/categoryfeed.php , а там какие-то нововведенные "глупости". Пришлось ковырять до полного исцеления. Вот моя поправленная версия этого класса, кому надо:

 * @package     Joomla.Legacy
 * @subpackage  View
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt

defined('_JEXEC') or die;

 * Base feed View class for a category
 * @package     Joomla.Legacy
 * @subpackage  View
 * @since       3.2
class JViewCategoryfeed extends JViewLegacy
	 * Execute and display a template script.
	 * @param   string  $tpl  The name of the template file to parse; automatically searches through the template paths.
	 * @return  mixed  A string if successful, otherwise a Error object.
	 * @since   3.2
	public function display($tpl = null)
		$app      = JFactory::getApplication();
		$document = JFactory::getDocument();

		$extension      = $app->input->getString('option');
		$document->link = JRoute::_(JHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($app->input->getInt('id'), $language = 0, $extension));

		$app->input->set('limit', $app->get('feed_limit'));
		$siteEmail        = $app->get('mailfrom');
		$fromName         = $app->get('fromname');
		$feedEmail        = $app->get('feed_email', 'author');
		$document->editor = $fromName;

		if ($feedEmail != 'none')
			$document->editorEmail = $siteEmail;

		// Get some data from the model
		$items    = $this->get('Items');
		$category = $this->get('Category');
		foreach ($items as $item)

			// Strip html from feed item title
			$title = $this->escape($item->title);
			$title = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
			$item->slug			= $item->alias ? ($item->id.':'.$item->alias) : $item->id;
			$item->catslug		= $item->category_alias ? ($item->catid.':'.$item->category_alias) : $item->catid;
			// URL link to article
			$router = new JHelperRoute;
			$link   = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->slug, $item->catslug));

			// Strip HTML from feed item description text.
			$description = $item->description;
			$author      = $item->created_by_alias ? $item->created_by_alias : $item->author;
			$date        = isset($item->publish_up) ? date('r', strtotime($item->publish_up)) : '';

			// Load individual item creator class.
			$feeditem              = new JFeedItem;
			$feeditem->title       = $title;
			$feeditem->link        = $link;
			$feeditem->description = $description;
			$feeditem->date        = $date;
			$feeditem->pubDate        = $date;
			$feeditem->category    = $item->category_title;
			$feeditem->author      = $author;

			// We don't have the author email so we have to use site in both cases.
			if ($feedEmail == 'site')
				$feeditem->authorEmail = $siteEmail;
			elseif ($feedEmail === 'author')
				$feeditem->authorEmail = $item->author_email;

			// Loads item information into RSS array

	 * Method to reconcile non standard names from components to usage in this class.
	 * Typically overriden in the component feed view class.
	 * @param   object  $item  The item for a feed, an element of the $items array.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   3.2
	protected function reconcileNames($item)
		if (!property_exists($item, 'title') && property_exists($item, 'name'))
			$item->title = $item->name;